First of all for JC :
Thanks for wonderful year, tough one, but i manage to survive, with ur help of course. I can't imagine live without you, sorry for being a bit unfaithful, and thanks again to always have a faith in me, u're my best friend, God, Father, Teacher EVER!!! no one compare to u. I really hope that next year we will have more relationship, gettin closer to you and gain more wisdom en knowledge from you. Happy New year!!!
To My Family:
Thanks to my Mom, for being the best mom ever, support me in all of the situation I got, sorry for let u down sometimes but still u have faith in me. I would like to have more intimate relationship with u, en hope 2010 will bring better things for this house.
Thanks to my dad, even we rarely communication, but i believe every words is worth it, i'm looking forward for a better year en better relationship with u, thanks for everything, i wish u a awesome year.
Thanks to my sister, thanks for being an awesome sister for me through out 2009, there'sups en down but u still be there for me, I miss U A LOT!!! I wish u a wonderful and fruitful year in 2010, en everything will gettin even better en better!!
Thanks for my brother, i really looking forward for 2010,i would like to have a better relationship with u, not just being a good brother 4 u, but also a friend that u can talk en share to, i wishing u a brighter year!! learn from mistake en don't fall on the same spot again!! Love u all!!!!
Thanks to my grandpa en grandma, i'm wishing u a great year ahead, God gave good health en much pleasure live ahead!! Love u too!!!
This for my cousin Willy : Happy new year too bro... thanks also being a great family en friend to me, i'm also inspired by ur determination ,passion of Christ, through every word ur said or type on ur blog, it's such a blessing 4 me en i believe all of ur friends there. Keep rise up to the next level bro!!! Can't wait for may 2010 ^^ Have a blast day!!!!
For My Uncle : I have no real words to describe this, I would like to thanks for everything that u did in this family, it's such a blessing to have an uncle like you, we might not have been close enough, but i'm looking forward to get to know each other.I'm personally would like to have a big bro, en I guess u're the closest one ^^ .Personally i would like to thanks a ton for the assistance u gave to me, it's really priceless, the lesson that u gave, it's just overwhelmed. Wishing u a great year ahead, I believe God will bless u even more, Happy New Year!!!
All My Auntie, Uncle, Cousin,Nephew, Niece ETC: Have a wonderful year Ahead!! Kept expecting things to come, that God will never leave nor forsake u!!! He have a great plan for all of you, u're destined for GREAT!!
For My Friends:
Agnes Dyke : Thanks for being a good friend of mine, u done great, help me a lot. we might not talk much, but I believe our friendship will last forever.Looking forward to see ur baby, i'm gonna be a proud uncle!! Heheheehehe.... Have a blast year!!
Yusly Leonando : Thanks Bro for everything, support me in a good en bad situation, advise me with ur words, it's such a blessing to have you, Looking forward to have a better one in 2010. Happy New Year!!! Hope u got everything u want en desire, keep love God, that's the key!!
Danny Tan : Thanks bro, for ur help.Without u, I cant really tell where I am now. Thanks for the patience for me. Hope a blast year, gettin married en success in everything u plan!! Happy New Year bro!!
Hana A Sutedja : I hope I write ur name correctly.. ^^ Thanks to being such a good listener foe all my whining through out the year, thanks to support all my decision, en being faithful for me... i can even recall anyone better that u, it's really priceless have friends like you, and also thanks to share ur life with me wishing u a blast en awesome year ahead!!!!u ROCKS!!! Happy New Year!!!
Sasa: Thanks Girls for everything, for ur ears, heart en mind. That u spare it with me. I will not walked this far if it's not because of you, also thanks to share ur life with me. Thanks for accompanying me to hospital, it's really blessing to have a friend like u.I really wish u all a happy new year!! Have a blast year!!
San2 : Thanks for being my faithfully friends in Google Talk, it really help me a lot to killing time, it's a honor to know u, have u as my friend. Thanks for everything u done in my life in 2009, looking for a better one in 2010.. Happy new Year!!
Yanita : Thanks also for ur faithfully BUZZing me, it's great to know I have such a great friends, thanks to trust me , thanks for all of ur support through this difficult time, it was priceless... Happy New Year Sis.... Have a good look on the sunrise en shaking cars.. LOL
Randy : Thanks bro for ur help, I know there's some of tension for couple of months, but i really wish that we can start fresh, en put everything behind. Happy new Year!! Have a beautiful year ahead!!
Johan Logito : Happy New year bro, good to have a good friends like you, thanks for everything... Looking forward to see u (when I can see u, since u really busy rite now) ^^
Hmmmm.. I'm kinda out of words, but trying to keep it up ^^
Billy Sundjaya : Bill, Thanks ya buat semuanya, thanks for being a good friends dari dulu mpe sekarang. Mau ditumpangin tidur setiap kali g ke Bandung, I wish u never bore with it, thanks for sharing ur life with me ^^ Happy New Year!! Hope 2010 every wishes will come true.....
To All My LH Teacher: u guys ROCKS, it really been a privileged to get to know an awesome man en woman of God, that share the same PASSION!! It's PRICELESS!! I wouldn't trade anything for that. Thanks For Merry, being such a good leader, u can achieve even MORE!!! Thanks to Rony, Haryono, David en Joshua for being a MAN there, with me.. Hahahaha u guys irreplaceable!! For Liana, constantly nice to me en love eat BK a lot, really girl, nothing can compare with u!! LOL For Yenny that share a wonderful Christmas spirit, looking forward to cruise another awesome year with this TEAM!!! Thanks for all of you, for being nice en good 4 me... Happy New Year to Mieke,Ratna,Ryna,Dessy,Nana,Catherine,Lily,Meri Lim... Many Thanks..!!!!!
To my ex-colleague:
Catrina Kho : Thanks for being such a good (x)boss for me, good sister, provide me with the one of the most delicious food, no one can compare that, thanks, a big en huge thanks for an impact that u made in my life. Looking forward to have a better journey ahead. Happy New Year ci, have a blast year for whole family!!!
Lio Rita : Yeah2 Yeah Yeah.. I should have hear u.. Hahahhaha.. Thanks for being there for me, for how much u have been busy, still manage time to reply my G-Talk, even i need to wait for DAYS for the reply.. LOL... Thanks for being a good example foe me a good BIG sister... ^^ Have a nice en blast New Year!!!
Debby Susanto : Thanks little sis, for support me in every decision that I take, even hear all of my complain through out the year, in new or in old company, Thanks, many thanks for that, I can't tell you how much worthy u are. Happy New Year!!
Laidy Budiman : Happy New Year Bro, thanks for using MY happy puppy card, u make me famous there,(just by name) LOL Thanks for all year being a good friends, from all the happiness en also all the sadness ^^
I forgot one, Joni Lay : Thanks a lot bro for everything, the support, the help, being faithful for me, the wisdom, the... what else?? I'm speechless.. thanks for being my best buddy through out this year, it's been a tough year for me, en I always can count on you, i can't give u anything, but i can only pray 4 u ^^ all the best bro in 2010, all the best!!! Camera, Xbox, PS3 , BABY!!!! Yeah i'm going to be a lot of uncle for everyone, that excite me!!! Happy New Year!!!